What is a Personal Constellation?
A Personal Constellation is an incredibly powerful tool for healing our personal history and harmonizing our internal dialogues. As a Primal psychotherapist with over 30 years of experience, I can confidently say that there is no other «single healing experience» that compares when it comes to balancing an individual’s emotional world.
Individual or group therapy?
Personal Constellations are facilitated in a group setting and serve as a unique bridge between Conventional Psychology and modern Transpersonal Psychotherapies.
Face-to-face or Online?
While the ideal scenario is to conduct constellations face-to-face, it is also possible to do them remotely, although the effectiveness may be slightly reduced.
Privacy and Confidentiality
Personal and Family Constellations, from the Primal perspective, can be conducted in a «BLIND» manner. This means that only the facilitator and the person undergoing their constellation are aware of the specific issue being addressed. Neither the other participants nor the representatives have knowledge of the problem or their role in the constellation. This ensures that a blind constellation can be just as private as an individual session.
What are they used for?
A Personal Constellation has the remarkable ability to significantly reduce the number of psychotherapy sessions needed by providing meaning to the events of our lives and resolving the fragmentation caused by underlying traumas. This methodology complements the work done in Family Constellations and other modern therapeutic approaches, effectively preventing, improving, and resolving a wide range of psychological and physical problems. These can include fatigue, hypertension, muscle pain, headaches, back pain, depression, anxiety, sadness, existential emptiness, schizophrenia, deep depressions, suicide attempts, cancer, heart problems, and addictions such as drug addiction, alcoholism, and anorexia.
You already tried Family Constellations and still …
If you have undergone several Family Constellations and have encountered some unresolved issues, a Personal Constellation can serve as the perfect complement. Many of the traumas and blockages we experience have their roots in our family history, but it is equally important to address and heal our personal history.
A Personal Constellation achieves this by harmonizing the inner dialogues of our personal history, representing the stages of our life from early childhood to the present, utilizing the same «scenario» as in Family Constellations, known as «The Knowing Field.»
About Angel Primal
Angel Primal, a seasoned Primal psychotherapist, has facilitated over 3000 Personal and Family Constellations from the Primal perspective between 2003 and 2023. He has been training in Personal Constellations since 2015.
More information
For more information on Personal Constellations and training opportunities, please visit the Spanish website: https://ConstelacionesPersonales.com. You can also find links to videos of Personal and Family Constellations on the website.
Terapeuta Primal – Facilitador de Constelaciones Familiares y Personales desde la perspectiva Primal.
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